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Give better.

The Spring Collection

Welcome to the Club. We have two rules.

Some mizzen image
Some mizzen image
Some mizzen image

Always adhere to the dress code.

We button it up when the situation demands it. we dress it down when it’s time to unwind. We always wear high performing, long-lasting clothing. We never sacrifice comfort for style. We pride ourselves on finding “special occasion” outfits that we can wear every day. And we love the way we look.

Cheers from Mizzen and Main.
Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.
Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.

Never stress about your attitude.

When you’re serious about your style, you can be carefree about your behavior. Dress yourself in comfort. Conduct yourself with confidence. It’s easier to be you when you’re always wearing the right thing. Respect Rule #1 and Rule #2 will come easy.

Cheers from Mizzen and Main.
Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.
Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.

You’ve knocked. The door is open.

The clothes you need, and the attitude you want, are waiting inside.


Some mizzen image
Some mizzen image
Some mizzen image
Some mizzen image
Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.
Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.

The nice things don’t have to be reserved for special occasions.

Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.
Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.
Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.
Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.

Invest in something you can enjoy today.

Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.
Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.
Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.
Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.

When you’re serious about your style,
you can be carefree about your behavior

Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.
Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.
Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.
Mizzen man looking great at a photo shoot.

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